The first ever
Regional Macintosh Gathering
for Southern California Mac users

Online Registration & Ticket Purchase (now closed for So Cal 2003)

You can use MasterCard, Visa, Discover or AmEx. Personal information is transmitted via secure gateway.

NOTE: Puchase of any course includes a free admission, one admission per person. Tickets will be at will-call.


General Admission

One admission ticket is good for one person for Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday.

This includes the exhibits, vendor presentations, additional special presentations and the swap meet.
It does not include the fee-based classes available for purchase below.

We don't have time to set this up for $10 pricing today so you've got 1 more day to buy tickets for just $8. On Friday it'll be $10.


Saturday Night Dinner & Dance Party

This ticket includes 1 dinner.
To order this ticket, order by dinner choice.


  Chicken Zinfandel
Stuffed with Spinach, Crabmeat and Wild Mushrooms
With White Zinfandel Sauce
  Grilled Chicken Breast & Sea Bass
with Lemon Grass Sauce
  Vegetables en Croute (puffed pastry)
Veggies with Tofu (Vegan)

Friday Classes

Introduction to Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server

1:00pm - 6:00pm
Part I: Introduction to Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar)
Part II: Introduction to Mac OS X Server 10.2.4
Part III: Advanced Server (MySQL and PHP)


Intro to ColorSync

10:00am - 12:30pm
Basic understanding of color management and associated terminology is a prerequisite. A practical overview of color theory, what color management is (and isn't), and how it works. Attendees will learn about a few unique aspects of human vision, how computers "see" color to explain why color problems exist in the first place, and how color management attempts to solve those problems.


Color Management in Applications

1:30pm - 4:30pm
This session dives right into color management settings in Photoshop and QuarkXPress. InDesign and Illustrator will also be covered in areas where they differ from Photoshop. How to print properly from these applications will also be discussed.


Color Management & PDF

5:00pm - 6:30pm
Advanced level course. You need to be confident with producing PDFs for press use.


Saturday Classes

OS X Tips & Tricks
(Learning to work swimmingly in Aqua)

12:30pm - 2:15pm
Are you a novice Mac user? Or did you feel like an expert in OS 9 but now have a new Mac with a new OS? This informative overview of OS X will teach you how to personalize your system so you can feel in control of your smoothly-running Mac. We'll also touch on iApps and third-party apps, and recommend some books and websites — and perhaps cram in some Q&A as well!


AppleWorks — and it also plays

2:45pm - 4:30pm
It came with your iMac, but how well do you know it? In this seminar we'll explore AppleWorks painting, drawing, word-processing, database, and spreadsheet. We'll learn plenty of time-saving useful tips, but we won't forget the fun and useless stuff, too! Whether you're a beginner with AppleWorks or a vet, there'll be something new for you here.


AppleWorks & OS X Tips & Tricks Bundle

12:30pm - 4:30pm

Both classes by Elena-Beth, discounted if you sign up for both.


Intro to ColorSync 10:30am - 1:00pm
Basic understanding of color management and associated terminology is a prerequisite. A practical overview of color theory, what color management is (and isn't), and how it works. Attendees will learn about a few unique aspects of human vision, how computers "see" color to explain why color problems exist in the first place, and how color management attempts to solve those problems.
Color Management in Applications 1:30pm - 4:30pm
This session dives right into color management settings in Photoshop and QuarkXPress. InDesign and Illustrator will also be covered in areas where they differ from Photoshop. How to print properly from these applications will also be discussed.

Sunday Classes

DV Production Hollywood Style

3:00pm - 6:00pm

Presented by the coauthors of the just-released book Real World Digital Video from Peachpit Press, this comprehensive three-hour class covers the latest technology and techniques in every phase of video production, delivering industrial-strength techniques for everyone from first-time videomakers to media professionals. You’ll learn how to plan your project, whether it’s a home movie or a feature film; capture professional-quality images and sound; edit, post-process, and add special effects; and transfer to film or distribute on videotape, DVD, or streaming Internet media. Find out how to decide whether you should buy a $400 camcorder or rent a pro-style model that’s 10 times more expensive. Get insider tips on rigging a location for lighting and sound, and see how your approach must change if you plan to shoot outdoors. How does DV change the way you work on a set? Should you edit your show yourself or hire postproduction services? The instructors will give you real-world examples not only from feature films but also from product demos, news-style interviews, documentaries, and event coverage.


Introduction to FileMaker Pro 10:45am - 12:30pm

Tired of keeping your lists and doing reports in Excel spreadsheets? In this class you will learn how to plan and begin building effective databases in FileMaker Pro. You will learn how data is stored and presented in FileMaker Pro and the fundamentals of how a relational database works. You'll come away with knowledge of the mechanics of creating screens for entry and reporting of data, plus the sorting and searching of that data, including how to create custom reports. You will also be introduced to FileMaker Pro's easy, yet powerful scripting environment.

Bring your PowerBook/iBook with you, if you like, for a truly hands-on learning experience!

Intermediate FileMaker Pro 12:45pm - 2:30pm

So you've started making databases in FileMaker, but you want to start taking things to "the next level", including taking advantage of new features in FileMaker Pro 6. This class will emphasize helping you learn how to avoid the common database pitfalls that arise as your database solutions becomes more complex. You will learn how to make FileMaker's legendary ease of use even easier for people using your database. This class will touch upon intermediate-level scripting, as well as basic database security. Along the way you will pick up several tips and tricks Anton has compiled in his 15+ years of developing custom database solutions.

Feel free to bring your laptop to this interactive class!

This class is geared towards individuals who already have a working understanding of FileMaker Pro relational databases. The Intro class provides this understanding.

FileMaker Pro 2-class bundle 10:45pm - 2:30pm
Both FMP classes by Anton, discounted when you sign up for both.


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Email Address
(We ask for this contact information only so we can be sure to have your tickets for you.)
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Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
This is an independent event and has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Computer, Inc.